I was at a networking event yesterday – The mumpreneurs Networking Club and I was talking to Dee Blick who is a well recognised marketeer and blogger (i have just ordered her book The ultimate small business marketing book). As we were chatting and I was telling her about Mrs Menopause and my passion she gave me some advice. SHe said don’t be afraid to be yourself and give your opinions. I used to always shy away from ‘rcoking the boat’ because i didn’t want people to judge me or not like me. I now realise that i was being dishonest to myself and other people. Unless I am authentic and transparent people will not connect with me.
People will always judge me and that is the way life is. I cannot possibly please everyone and why should I? My opinion is valid as anyone else’s. It can be quite scary speaking your mind as you are putting yourself out there for others to disgaree with your ideas, beliefs and priciples. So I have decided to be more authentic and speak about what i believe in and not what I think others want to hear. Having a platform, such as a blog, to speak your own voice and be true to yourself is an uplifting experience.