Have to share this ripple effect……
Yesterday I was on the old Fakebook and I noticed my mate Paul had posted some videos.
He hadn’t done that for a while and it was nice to see. He was thanking his first mentor and
telling us what an impact he had on his life. ahhhhhhh
He then went on to mention that this guy had set a challenge to get people using video to
show themeselves to the world.
I have used video in the past as it’s a great way to connect with people. I remember feeling
the fear when I started. Cringing at hearing my voice and the way i looked on screen.
Re-recording the videos because I would go blank or stumble over my words.
I worried what people would think of me. Would they be judging what I was saying or
how I looked. maybe I didn’t know ‘my stuff’ enough to share. What would I say? Would people listen?
I was encouraged (read told) by my mentors and collegues to just get it out there.
So I would close my eyes and push the share button wait…….
And the world didn’t end, I didn’t get loads of horrible comments, in fact I got positive feedback 🙂
Then I got wrapped up in focusing on other areas of my business. Writing these emails, blogging etc.
I also got paralysis by analysis. I kept seeing all the professional videos being made.
All glossy and sleek. I thought that was what I had to do. I didn’t have the green screen,
the right lights, the best editing suite etc. so I didn’t bother as it all seemed like too big a job.
Then I was reminded that it’s ok not to be perfect. It’s better to do something than do nothing at all.
So this morning I recorded a short video on perfectionism and some amazing things happened.
Loads of people thanked me for the reminder. A collective sigh of relief from busy, stressed out mums 🙂
My best mate who emigrated to Australia contacted me to say “What a wonderful orator you are, great video ! great to hear your voice”
We then had a great, long over due catch up. Niiiiice
Someone else felt compelled to pick up the phone to thank me and then we went on to talk about the menopause.
We finished with us arranging for me to hold a menopuase workshop for her beauty clients.
WOW!! What a ripple effect. All from one imperfect video.
So the moral of the story is you don’t realise the impact doing one thing can have on your day and and those people around you.
Sometimes we just need to step out of our comfort zone, feel the fear and just flippin’ do it.
Once you have done it it’s like opening a floodgate and you will want to do more.
So today i dare you to be imperfect and take one step in the direction you want to go.
The first step is the hardest but it will produce a butterfly effect.
What one imperfect thing can you do today?
Oh and here’s the video if you want to see it
Tanith ‘cringing’ Lee x