My husband can go all day without eating and not feel hungry!!
Not even a rumble! He can go all day without eating and feel fine.
Not sure what ‘fine’ means??
I’d rather feel BRILLIANT, have great concentrationa and energy levels
He does eat more in the evening and stays up late eating but that’s another story!
I asked him the other day “don’t you ever feel hungry, does your belly ever growl”?
He shrugged and said “not really”.
I am the opposite, I seem to feel hungry ALOT.
Or do I?
There are different levels of hunger. From that mild ‘yeah I could eat’ to ‘FEED. ME. NOW.!!’
If I leave it to the ‘feed me now’ stage I am likely to eat anything in front of me.
Even the cat looks tempting….
All good intentions go out of the window!
When I leave it and get that hungry I tend to over eat too.
I eat too quickly and don’t tune in to the Goldilocks ‘mmm just right’ sensation
Going too hungry sends my blood sugar levels all over the place.
This makes me a grumpy bear 😉
Do you identify with any of this??
You could lose weight, have more energy and balance your hormones (moods!)
just by being more in tune with your bellys language
Over the next few days, before you eat, ask yourself ‘How hungry am I”?
Is it a true hunger, a mind hunger, craving, bored eating etc?
My coach shared this hunger scale with me
10. Feel Sick
9. Bloated
8. Stuffed
7. Full – STOP
6. Satisfied – STOP
5. Neutral
4. Peckish – EAT
3. Bit hungry – EAT
2. Starving
1. Faint
Can you scale your hunger? Do you stop eating at number 6 or 7?
So the next time you say you are starving ( I say this alot!)
ask yourself ” Tanith How hungry am I”?
Serial dieting, fasting, missing meals and over eating can mess up your
brains neurochemical patterns which can result in confused messages
resulting in binging and cravings.
Checking in with yourself and your appetite at this time of year will
really help you avoid piling on the pounds over Christmas.
Listen to this one simple idea on how to removing cravings…….